Welcome to Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute. The Church of the Resurrection is sponsoring Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute. A Diploma of Theology will be awarded upon successful completion of the curriculum.  We are not accredited nor do we seek accreditation due to two basic principles, namely, the separation of Church and State and the Autonomy of the local church. To surrender those principles will require giving up our right to "Rightly Divide the Word of Truth".  Students are encouraged to seek other institutions that will accept the Diploma of Theology or courses for credit. Our uniqueness is that we are a Free-Grace Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute and our tuition is FREE! Students enrolled will pay only for their textbooks and printed class notes. A container for Free Will Love Donations will be available for those who want to help defray operating costs such as utilities and office supplies. Donations should NOT be taken from one's support towards the local church. Further information may be had contacting us in one of the following ways. Call us at 713-453-0019; email us at freegrace3@comcast.net or through the postal system - David Carden, Teacher, Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute, 1601 Holland Avenue, Galena Park, Texas 77547-2539


The Institute has four objectives:

1. To produce Christian workers who minister in their own local church.  The local church is the base of all Christian growth outreach and endeavour.  All students must continue attendance and ministry in their local church.

2. To produce students who know and apply the word of God to their lives. Christian growth comes as the believer, under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, applies the truth of God’s word to their daily life experience.

3. To produce pastoral students who are thoroughly grounded in the skills needed for a Bible based ministry. These skills would include Evangelism of the lost, Systematic teaching of the saved and Biblical counseling and encouragement of the sick, grieving and depressed with the true comfort that comes from God’s word.

4. To produce students who know, understand and believe the Mid-Acts Dispensational teachings regarding Paul's Apostleship to the Gentiles, The Gospel of the Grace of God which he referred to as "my gospel" and that to him alone was given the "dispensation of the grace of God". As students of the Word may be have the same attitude as the Bereans to "receive the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so (Ac. 17:11)" in order that we might be  "rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2Tim. 2:15)"; in recognizing Paul's uniqueness as "a preacher, and an apostle...a teacher of the Gentiles (1Tim 2:5)"; and that to Paul alone was this office given for he said "I am an apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office (Rom. 11:13)".  


All courses are open to all who love the Lord Jesus Christ and who can affirm the statement of faith as their own.

These courses are demanding for students who desire to prepare for Christian ministry and as such it demands the character traits required by faithful ministers.

Tenacity [Luke 9:62] - you must have perseverance to keep studying and applying the lessons of God’s word through all the crisis that will arise during the course.

Honesty [2 Peter 3:18 Philippians 3:13] - you must be teachable, prepared to learn change and grow. 

Commitment [Philippians 3:13-21] - you must be ready to advance to maturity and prepared to make personal sacrifices.

Holiness [James1:19 -27] - you must be determined to work and walk worthy of your calling. This will involve making decision daily to deal with sin in your life, that you might become a clean vessel for the Lord's work. 

You can handle the demands if you have the desire, the determination and the dedication. If you are up to the challenge please complete the next step by filling out the application.  



List of courses being offered at the Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute are:

Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia  has granted permission to teach their courses at the Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute with modifications to present the Mid-Acts Dispensational position of Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. Courses offered through the EBCWA are:

Certificate in Theology

Certificate in Biblical Studies

Certificate in Pastoral Theology

Basic Bible Training Center for Pastors has granted permission and made available to Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute to use their training material.

1. Bible Study Methods and Rules of Interpretation

2. Old Testament Survey

3. New Testament Survey

4. Preaching Biblical Messages and Pastoral Ministry

5. Bible Doctrine Survey

6. Personal Spiritual Life

7. Church Ministry/ Administration/ Education

8. Church History Survey

9. Missions/Evangelism/ Discipleship

Textbooks and Resources presenting and upholding the Mid-Acts Dispensational theological position are:

Things That Differ, by C.R. Stam

The Mystery, by Joel Fink

Dispensational Theology, by Charles Baker

Acts Dispensationally Considered Volumes 1-4, by C.R. Stam

Our Great Commission, C. R. Stam 


All applications must be received  and approved by the Administration Office prior to be eligibile for attending classes for a Certificate or Diploma. Students who apply late, must have the enrollment application form completely filled out and given to the instructor BEFORE attending classes. Classes may be audited at anytime; however, not for credit. Visitors are always welcome to sit in any class session. 


APPLICATION :Please fill out the application form and send it either by email or by regular mail.





Send your application dossier to Pastor David Carden at freegrace3@comcast.net  or Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute, 1601 Holland Avenue, Galena Park, Texas 77547-2539

[1]  Personal Information            Date __________________

1. Name _________________________________________________________

                   First              Middle                 Last

2. Address _______________________________________________________

3. Telephone  _____________ E-Mail _________________

4. Birth Date _________  Birth Place _________________

5. Country of citizenship __________________________

6. Marital status (check one please)

 Are you now: single engaged married widowed separated divorced

If married please give:

Name of wife

Address if different from yours

Date of marriage

Is your wife a Christian? Yes _____ No _______

Is your wife in agreement with this application and your Training?


[2] References

Please list two (2) professional or personal friends who could recommend you to MADBI.

Name Position Address Phone #

1.____________________ ____________ ________________ __________

2.____________________ ____________ ________________ __________


[3]  Medical Information

1. How would you describe your general physical health?

good fair poor

2. List any medical condition or medications that help administrator and professors assist in your well-being.

[4] Educational Background

1. Please describe your educational training to date.(Academic record including all trade, professional or other qualifications)

2. Have you ever had any theological, Bible college, seminary or correspondence/extension training? Please describe.

3. What personal characteristics qualify you for this training?


[5] Christian Experience

1. Have you personally received Jesus Christ as your Savior?

Yes ___ No ___

When __________ Where


2. Briefly describe your salvation experience and what you believe the Bible requires for salvation.



3. Please describe your current personal spiritual condition or level of spiritual maturity.




[6] Church or Denominational Membership 1. Of what church are you a member?

Name of church______________________________________



1. What is your pastor’s name and address?

2. If you are a pastor, to which other elder, pastor or church official are you responsible?

Name of pastor____________________________________



Name of church______________________________________





[7] Financial Information

How do you intend to financially support your family while you are in training?

Can you reasonably contribute to the payment of required fees for training?


[8] Vocational/Ministry Plans

1. Why do you desire to attend MADBI and how do you intend to specifically use the training you receive at MADBI in serving Christ and His church?



2. In what church and/or ministry activities are you now involved?


3. Are you ordained or licensed as a pastor? _______ If so, by whom?________________________________________________________


[9] Personal Beliefs and Qualifications

1. Have you read and understood the complete Statement of Faith and are you substantially in agreement with it?

Yes ____ No ____

2. Please list any specific areas of disagreement with the Statement of Faith.




Answer the questions below. – The answers can be in a paragraph or two rather than a full assignment

Question 1 - Explain the Character of God and why it is important.

Question 2 - Explain faith and resting in the Lord (the security of the believer)  and explain why it is important.

Question 3 - Explain the "Gospel of Grace", who may be saved, and the "steps of salvation" and why that is important.

Question 4 - What is spirituality? How are you spiritual?

Question 5 - Why do believers suffer?

7. How did you learn about us?


I hereby certify that the information on this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further acknowledge my substantial agreement with the Statement of Faith and agree to obey all rules and regulations if accepted as a student. I understand that this application will be reviewed by an application committee, that I will be contacted for a personal interview, and the references I have listed will be contacted. If accepted as a student, I understand that I may be dismissed as a student at the discretion of the officials at anytime for academic or other reasons where it is determined that my continued participation is not wise for me and/or MADBI.


Print name__________________________________________________